§ 26-21-201. Definitions.  

Latest version.
  •      As used in this part:
    (1) "Clearance" means approval by the department under Section 26-21-203 for an individual to have direct patient access.
    (2) "Covered body" means a covered provider, covered contractor, or covered employer.
    (3) "Covered contractor" means a person that supplies covered individuals, by contract, to a covered employer or covered provider.
    (4) "Covered employer" means an individual who:
    (a) engages a covered individual to provide services in a private residence to:
    (i) an aged individual, as defined by department rule; or
    (ii) a disabled individual, as defined by department rule;
    (b) is not a covered provider; and
    (c) is not a licensed health care facility within the state.
    (5) "Covered individual":
    (a) means an individual:
    (i) whom a covered body engages; and
    (ii) who may have direct patient access;
    (b) includes:
    (i) a nursing assistant, as defined by department rule;
    (ii) a personal care aide, as defined by department rule;
    (iii) an individual licensed to engage in the practice of nursing under Title 58, Chapter 31b, Nurse Practice Act;
    (iv) a provider of medical, therapeutic, or social services, including a provider of laboratory and radiology services;
    (v) an executive;
    (vi) administrative staff, including a manager or other administrator;
    (vii) dietary and food service staff;
    (viii) housekeeping and maintenance staff; and
    (ix) any other individual, as defined by department rule, who has direct patient access; and
    (c) does not include a student, as defined by department rule, directly supervised by a member of the staff of the covered body or the student's instructor.
    (6) "Covered provider" means:
    (a) an end stage renal disease facility;
    (b) a long-term care hospital;
    (c) a nursing care facility;
    (d) a small health care facility;
    (e) an assisted living facility;
    (f) a hospice;
    (g) a home health agency; or
    (h) a personal care agency.
    (7) "Direct patient access" means for an individual to be in a position where the individual could, in relation to a patient or resident of the covered body who engages the individual:
    (a) cause physical or mental harm;
    (b) commit theft; or
    (c) view medical or financial records.
    (8) "Engage" means to obtain one's services:
    (a) by employment;
    (b) by contract;
    (c) as a volunteer; or
    (d) by other arrangement.
    (9) "Long-term care hospital":
    (a) means a hospital that is certified to provide long-term care services under the provisions of 42 U.S.C. Sec. 1395tt; and
    (b) does not include a critical access hospital, designated under 42 U.S.C. Sec. 1395i-4(c)(2).
    (10) "Patient" means an individual who receives health care services from one of the following covered providers:
    (a) an end stage renal disease facility;
    (b) a long-term care hospital;
    (c) a hospice;
    (d) a home health agency; or
    (e) a personal care agency.
    (11) "Personal care agency" means a health care facility defined by department rule.
    (12) "Resident" means an individual who receives health care services from one of the following covered providers:
    (a) a nursing care facility;
    (b) a small health care facility;
    (c) an assisted living facility; or
    (d) a hospice that provides living quarters as part of its services.
    (13) "Residential setting" means a place provided by a covered provider:
    (a) for residents to live as part of the services provided by the covered provider; and
    (b) where an individual who is not a resident also lives.
    (14) "Volunteer" means an individual, as defined by department rule, who provides services without pay or other compensation.
Enacted by Chapter 328, 2012 General Session